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Week 2 Part A Diversity, Multiculturalism and Talent Management

Talent Management

Q Part A: Diversity, Multiculturalism and Talent Management What are some of the organizational benefits of attracting and retaining a culturally diverse workforce? How can diversity support an organization's talent management strategy? How can multiculturalism support an organization's talent management strategy? What policies would you develop as an HRM to ensure your organization achieves these benefits? Use the articles and resources provided to support your ideas.

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Part A: Diversity, Multiculturalism and Talent Management What are some of the organizational benefits of attracting and retaining a culturally diverse workforce? How can diversity support an organization's talent management strategy? How can multiculturalism support an organization's talent management strategy? What policies would you develop as an HRM to ensure your organization achieves these benefits? Use the articles and resources provided to support your ideas. Innovation can be driven by attracting and retaining a culturally diverse workforce. This is because there can be more than one idea generated from more than one diversified mind in the workplace. There can be different kinds of privileges like sexual orientation privilege, gender privilege, social class privilege, race privilege, etc. gotten rid of because of fair behavior and treatment of all diversified employees (Chapter 3 - Diversity and Multiculturalism). The process of recruitment can be made more convenient because there will no be the requirement of eliminating candidates of diversified races, religions, working backgrounds, genders, ages, etc. Creativity of work can be enhanced.